Hallo Zusammen
Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich ja gesagt, dass ich mich für die Telefon Konferenz angemeldet habe, wo einige Leute aus dem Notebookreview Forum (USA) von Dell eingeladen werden. Sie werden das Throotling erklären bzw. wieso die Karte das tut. Auslöser ist das Problem beim M18x was aber das gleiche ist, wie beim M17x.
Nach der Telco werde ich euch ne Zusammenfassung hier schreiben - bin sehr gespannt was die zu sagen haben. Geführt wird das Gespräch von einem Community Typ von Dell, der bring ein paar Engineers mit in die Telco und eine Hand voll Leute aus dem Forum (sozusagen die Rädelsführer)
Das Gespräch findet nächsten Dienstag 18:00 CET statt. Mal schauen... hier die offizielle Agenda
The agenda is simple. We decided to focus on the 580m throttle only. This would mean:
A) An explanation why this kind of load related throttle is needed and what are 'throttle conditions' to be met before the throttle kicks in and 580m cards downclock. As detailed as possible.
An explanation/statement what power limits m18x have, e.g. expressed in Watts.
C) A community suggestion to reconsider how 'the throttle' is set, meaning e.g. switching to temperature related throttle only. I dont wan't to use the 'overclocking' word since this may bring some bad connocation, yet we would like to be able to use the cards more flexibly, meaning, that any strict "throttle" limits are simply too strict. Note that even after the recent vbios update the throttle is present. Also note that m18x features well designed cooling system. We would simply like to unleashed the true power of 580m and not simply be constrain by 'artificial' limits imposed by vbios programming (for reasons we don't understand - see point A).
D) If Loius agrees that further work on the throttle problem is possible, meaning, there is a chance the problem will be fixed, we have a list of possible recommendations what could be improved in 580m, e.g. we would like to see a higher voltage level applied by default, so 0.92V instead of the default 0.87V.