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BIOS A05 auch schon hier bei uns im Download Bereich zu finden: M17xR1 BIOS A05

Release Notes:

M17xR1 A05 System BIOS

BIOS Information:

BIOS Revision: A05

EC Revision: 12.60

9400M VBIOS Version: v62.

Instructions and comments:

1. To install the BIOS, download the ISO and use a CD burning software (such as

Nero or Roxio) to burn it to a CD.

2. Confirm the image burned correctly and restart your system with the CD in the

optical drive.

3. When the AlienHead splash screen appears hit F12 to pull up the boot menu

and select CD/DVD drive as your boot source.

4. The system will boot from the CD and automatically flash the BIOS; however it

will take some time to load the entire image to flash the BIOS. Please be


5. If your system is RAID enabled, after flashing the BIOS and rebooting the

system go into the BIOS Advanced menu and set the SATA Operation to RAID.

Then enable each drive for RAID.

6. The A05 BIOS must be installed with the OSD Application A02 (v. 2.19) or later

version. If not, your OSD functionality might not be complete.

A05 System BIOS Release Notes:

1. Enhanced AC Adapter communication to correctly identify the adapter


2. Fix issue where system would enter hibernate or be shut off but would not

charge the battery.

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