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Defektes Bios wiederherstellen


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BIOS nach fehlgeschlagenem Flashvorgang wiederherstellen:

  1. A usb thumb Drive is need. It will work.

  2. Bios From dells website.

  3. Extract all the files from the Dell bioes autoexe, make sure to close down winphlash when it tries to run. Dell autoruns this after you extract the files.

  4. look for a zip file called CRISDISK.RAR and extract all the files to your desktop or a folder.

    Double click on the WINCRIS file that looks like a floppy disk

    It will autoinstall the ALL the files need to the USB Drive

  5. Remove the battery and disconnect the Power supply.

  6. Place the USB drive into the Esata port (other ports may work)

  7. Press and hold FN+B key at the same time and plug in the power. Turn on power and continue to HOLD DOWN the FN+B key until the HDD lights on the alien head illuminate and stay on. At this time the USB drive lights should start to Flash.

  8. In about 5-10 mins your computer should restart. Make sure to go back into BIOS and setup raid and any other settings as they were lost with the BIOS crash.
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