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CPU Throttle-Probleme und zu niedrige Lüfter-Drehzahl

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Es gibt in den aktuellen Alienware-18-Notebooks scheinbar Probleme bzgl. des CPU-Taktes und der Lüftersteuerung.

Im Notebookreview-Forum wird dazu Folgendes geschrieben. Angeblich sei Dell sich dieser Probleme bereits bewusst.

  • BIOS: CPU Power Settings - none of the Haswell processors can sustain stock turbo clock speeds under load because the Core Current Limit is set at 32.000A. It needs to be at least 112.000A, preferrably 120.000A by default. This setting is locked and cannot be adjusted with XTU. The MSR Lock in the BIOS also needs to be set to disabled. Both of these settings are tucked away in a hidden menu within the BIOS. All of the processors power throttle under load and sometime drop below non-turbo clock speeds. This is exacerbated somewhat with the 4930MX because it requires more power than a MQ processor and it seems to power throttle even more. To an extent this can be compensated for by jacking up the Processor Current Limit using XTU. While this reduces load throttling, it increases the core temperature and introduces thermal throttling in addition to power throttling.


  • EC: Fan Control Table - the fans are the same part used in the M18xR1/R2 with a maximum speed of 4100 RPM. Presumably to make them quieter machines, the fan speed has been capped off about 500 RPM less than they are capable of. Additionally, and more problematic, there is a serious latency in fan reaction. Fan speeds do not ramp up like they should and nothing seems to happen until the CPU reaches 96°C. By that point it is too late to control the temps and thermal throttling and/or thermal shutdown occurs. If you repeatedly run wPrime 32M burst tests so the temps are rapidly rising and dropping, eventually the fans will start reacting, but it is still too late to keep the temps reasonable. HWiNFO64 can be used to control the CPU fan, but doing so disables the GPU fans and the video cards will overheat doing nothing more taxing than web browsing or watching YouTube videos.

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