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Modifikationen der Kühlkörper/Heatsink


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Falls du das Lüftungsgitter bei der Bodenabdeckung meinst, so habe ich das mit dem Dremel ausgeschnitten und mit Pfeile und Schleifpapier nachbearbeitet.

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb MasterDD194:

ich habe da mal eine frage, mit was hast Du das Blech ausgeschnitten, Dremel oder Stichsäge?

Den Gehäuseboden habe ich auch mit Dremel, Laubsäge und Schlüsselpfeilen bearbeitet. Bei der Aussparung für den PCH-Mod empfiehlt sich zuvor mit einem kleinen Bohrer die Ecken auszubohren. Möchtest Du nur das Gitter aus der Bodenabdeckung entfernen, so kannst Du die vielen kleinen Kunststoffnieten auch mit dem Dremel gut entfernen. Das Gitter inkl. dem Kleber zu entfernen ist jedoch eine mühselige Arbeit.

Bearbeitet von Gamer_since_1989
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vor 31 Minuten schrieb MasterDD194:

Und womit hast du das bei dem Cooler Master U3 ausgeschnitten? 

Ich habe dafür auch die Laubsäge genommen, da man das dünne Blatt direkt durch eines der Löcher vom Cooler Master U3 führen kann und  los sägen kann. Zum Nacharbeiten bin ich dann mit einer Eisenpfeile ran. Das schöne an der Laubsäge ist, sie ist relativ leise beim bearbeiten des Cooler Master.

@Sk0b0ldHast Du da eine schnellere Variante gewählt?

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vor 45 Minuten schrieb MasterDD194:

Danke für die Schnelle Antwort ?
Und womit hast du das bei dem Cooler Master U3 ausgeschnitten? 

Stichsäge und Pfeile. Steht mehrfach in Thread:



Keine Angst, nicht falsch verstehen. Bekomme die Anfrage sehr häufig, daher antworte ich sehr kurz. Weitere Antworten auf zukünftige Fragen stehen dort ebenfalls drin.


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  • 9 Monate später...

The modification look promising but is it suitable for Alienware 15r4 heatsink?

It seems like the space between heatsink and back cover is not enough for this mod :(

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb heo44:

The modification look promising but is it suitable for Alienware 15r4 heatsink?

Hi, I can't say if the mod fits in the AW15 R4. Honestly, with a modded U3-cooler you get much more cooling performance without changing anything on the case or heatsink. You can find more detailed results about the mod in this thread:


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8 hours ago, Sk0b0ld said:

Hi, I can't say if the mod fits in the AW15 R4. Honestly, with a modded U3 cooler you get much more cooling performance without changing anything on the case or heatsink. You can find more detailed results about the mod in this thread:


Tks for your recommendation, I read everything that you did there and curious about the HS mod.

Besides, do you still selling a modded U3 cooler? ( with Noctua fan and I want to customize it a bit by using Noctua Redux lineup)

I owned 15r4 (i9-8950hk, 1080max q, max opt) and it served me 2 years so want to upgrade my laptop :) running cooler and faster.

I am currently pair it with the Graphic Amp (gtx 1080ti) so I can neglect the heat come from the internal GPU. The maximum CPU clock I can reach is 4.2 - 4.4 Ghz (with UV & TDP limit at 55-60W) but when I do the stress test only in CPU, the clock speed drop to 3Ghz and throttling like crazy, it is nearly impossible to maintain at 4 Ghz.

I did everything to solve that problem (repaste, fix the pad, clean the fan) but there is one thing that improve the performance is uninstall the Alienware application package and dell update. I noticed that without these apps my laptop running on the low load => decrease temp, stable clock speed.

Tks for reading and let me hear your thought.


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vor 14 Stunden schrieb heo44:

Besides, do you still selling a modded U3 cooler? ( with Noctua fan and I want to customize it a bit by using Noctua Redux lineup)

Yes, I'm still building the coolers for the community. Getting a used U3-cooler isn't always easy, but we'll find a solution if you want one. As for the fans, I can install any standard 120mm PC fan.


vor 14 Stunden schrieb heo44:

The maximum CPU clock I can reach is 4.2 - 4.4 Ghz (with UV & TDP limit at 55-60W)

In my testing with the AW17 R5 and the 8950HK was the highest longterm avg-load about 70w in realword-gaming (FarCry5). This was only possible with all mods, the U3-cooler (3x Noctua NF-A12), NB fans 100%, LM on CPU & GPU + UV (CPU: -155 @ 47x / GPU: 0.875mV @ 1.800 MHz)



In CPU stresstest only like CB R20 I was able to use the full 110w powerlimit. Back then I had a conversation on the topic in the NBRF (link). An example with Realbench over 1h with 95w avg on CPU + GPU load.


vor 14 Stunden schrieb heo44:

the clock speed drop to 3Ghz and throttling like crazy, it is nearly impossible to maintain at 4 Ghz

because of the temperatures? Often people complained about the 800Mhz drop as well. A modded U3-cooler helps here a lot. Especially with the old models like AW17 R4/ R5, AW15 R3/ R4 and so on.


vor 15 Stunden schrieb heo44:

improve the performance is uninstall the Alienware application package and dell update.

Our recommendation is to avoid Dell/ AW Software. Mostly it's useless and makes your system slower or breaks other functions. You only need AWCC and OC controls. And stay away from BIOS updates. Probably you can lose the ability to undervolt your CPU.


vor 15 Stunden schrieb heo44:

I did everything to solve that problem (repaste, fix the pad, clean the fan) but there is one thing that improve the performance

Repaste with thermal paste or liquid metal (LM)? It's huge different for the 8950HK.

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With my leakage-protection it's absolutely safe. I've been doing this for years now on many devices and had never any problems with it.

example m15 R2:



You'll find more information in some repaste-guides:

- Repaste m15 R1

- Repaste m15 R2

- Repaste Area 51m

- Repaste AW17 R4

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Hi man, I am planning to build my own U3-modded and I have a question.

Can I use the Noctua 60x25mm or 80x25mm fan? And I will plan to buy 3 fans for my alienware 15r4.

If it is not a good choice, could you elaborate this for me?


Minh Thanh Nguyen.

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Can I use the Noctua 60x25mm or 80x25mm fan? And I will plan to buy 3 fans for my alienware 15r4.

If it is not a good choice, could you elaborate this for me?



Honestly, with a modded U3-cooler you get much more cooling performance without changing anything.

Hi, please use my thread about the U3 cooler. There you'll find all the important information and pictures.



Version-3 (USB):

  • 3x Noctua NF-A8 5V PWM - 21,34 €
  • 1x Noctua NA-FC1 PWM Controller - 18,90 €
  • 3x Lüftungsgitter 80mm - 1,50 €
  • 1x U2-Kühler - 20-30 €
  • 1x Arbeit & Material - 45,00 €
  • 1x Versandkosten (DHL 5kg Paket) - 7,50 €
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  • 1 Monat später...

Hi man,

I did follow your instruction and it work fantastic. Overall, the max temp (at 50% fan) was drop 20 degree Celsius without the Liquid Metal.

For the LM, I will do it next month.






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On 2/4/2021 at 3:11 PM, Sk0b0ld said:


Hi, please use my thread about the U3 cooler. There you'll find all the important information and pictures.


Thank you for your information !!!

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